Brendan Black on Vinea Marson in Winepilot

Brendan Black on Vinea Marson in Winepilot

The versatile Brendan Black (playwright, poet, author and wine writer) kindly took a look at our current release wines for WINEPILOT recently. Take a look at his thoughts below. Mention the name “Heathcote”, and “Shiraz” invariably follows. So it was quite refreshing to find a winery in the region that was bucking this trend, producing wines inspired by northern Italy, full of verve and character.

Vinea Marson is run by Mario, Helen and Madeleine Marson and is situated on the east-facing slopes of Mount Camel, with some fruit also obtained from vineyards on the banks of the Ovens River in the Alpine Valleys. Mario gained extensive experience at Mount Mary in the Yarra Valley, as well as at Isole e Olena in Tuscany and Domaine de la Pousse d’Or in Burgundy. Since 2015, he’s been joined in the winery by Madeleine, and the energy and shared passion for winemaking of the duo is palpable.


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